Category Uncategorized

Beaver Builder Pro v2.8.4.1

Beaver Builder is a front end, drag and drop page builder plugin. You can use it to quickly and easily build pages with our theme, or any of your other favorite themes. Choose the only page builder you’ll actually love…

Blog Designer PRO for WordPress v3.4.5

Blog Designer is an effective and user friendly way to beautify your blog pages on your websites. It’s very popular plugin for website’s WordPress blog to attract more clients as well as more blog visitors. Blog Designer makes your blog…

Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress v2.5.0

Web 2.0 Directory plugin provides an ability to build any kind of business directory site: classifieds, events directory, cars, bikes, boats and other vehicles dealers site, pets, real estate portal, wedding site, yellow pages. In other words – whatever you…

User Registration Pro v3.1.6

User Registration plugin provides you with an easy way to create frontend user registration form and login form. Drag and Drop fields make ordering and creating forms extremely easy. The plugin is lightweight, extendible, and can be used to create…

WooCommerce Smart Pack v1.4.4

WooCommerce Smart Pack is a wordpress plugin which allow merchants to implement wallet system, reward or refund customers and sell unlimited number of gift card products on their website. These features are grouped into four different extensions, these include Wallet…

HT QR Code Generator for WordPress v1.2.5

HT QR Code Generator is a WordPress plugin to generate QR code from the WordPress dashboard. Elementor widget, WordPress widget and Shortcodes are available to generate QR codes. This plugin helps to generate QR code for custom text/link, mail-to link,…

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin v2.2.5

Have you ever seen… that cool stuff that “pimps” search results on Google? This plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured microdata. According to the website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely…

Support Board v1.2.7 – Chat And Help Desk

Support Board is a powerful solution to communicate with your users. Complete tickets system, chat, dedicated membership system and much more. No coding skills required! Support desk and chat plugin for WordPress. A complete solution to provide support to your…

AX Social Stream v3.9.14

AX Social Stream is the best WordPress plugin for those who are looking for an easy way to combine all of their social networking activities into one single social stream and display on their website. Demo: …

Ultimate 3D Carousel WordPress Plugin v2.0

Ultimate 3D Carousel is a fully 3D multimedia carousel slider that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great…